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EKD: Digital donations in churches increasingly possible

Protestant parishes in Germany are increasingly offering cashless donations. "The range of digital donation options has increased over the last five years," a spokesperson for the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD) in Hanover told the German Press Agency. One reason for this is the increased...

A view of the Protestant Reformed Church in Loga.
A view of the Protestant Reformed Church in Loga.

Community work - EKD: Digital donations in churches increasingly possible

Protestant parishes in Germany are increasingly offering cashless donations. "The range of digital donation options has increased over the last five years," a spokesperson for the Evangelical Church of Germany(EKD) in Hanover told the German Press Agency. One reason for this is the increased number of online church service formats that have emerged during the coronavirus pandemic. "At the same time, better availability of suitable solutions is also leading to greater acceptance," it said.

Online collections are offered, for example, via the Twingle service or the web application. "Digital collection baskets" for church services and stationary donation terminals in churches, also known as "Kollektomat", are also used. Donations can be made there without cash using a debit or credit card.

According to the EKD, there are no exact figures on how widespread these digital alternatives to traditional collection bags and boxes are. However, the church estimates that five to ten percent of Protestant congregations now use digital donation options that go beyond a simple appeal on the website.

The acceptance of digital donation options depends on the offer and the target group, the EKD added. More precise data on this is still lacking. "Reports from churches that offer online donation options cautiously suggest that the amount of individual donations is generally higher than donations into the traditional collection bag."

KD Bank on the digital collection basket

Read also:

  1. The increase in digital donation options in German Protestant parishes, as highlighted by the EKD, is largely due to the proliferation of online church services during the Coronavirus pandemic.
  2. Despite the lack of precise figures, the EKD estimates that between 5-10% of Protestant congregations in Germany now utilize digital donation methods beyond a simple online appeal.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the Evangelical Church of Germany (EKD) in Hanover has noted an increase in digital donation options over the past five years, with improved availability and acceptance playing a role in this trend.
  4. In Lower Saxony, churches are now increasingly offering cashless donations via digital collection baskets and Kollektomats, enabling parishioners to donate using debit or credit cards.
  5. The German city of Hanover has seen a shift in parish finances with the turn of the year, as digital donation options become more prevalent in places of worship.
  6. The trend towards digital donations in German churches is expected to continue, with the EKD noting that the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the adoption of these technologies in religious communities.


