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Eisenach's new mayor is CDU politician Ihling.

CDU member Christoph Ihling has emerged victorious in the mayoral race of Eisenach, garnering 57.3% of votes in the final round on Sunday. He defeated SPD contender Jonny Kraft, whose tally was 42.7%, according to the state election supervisor. This marks Ihling's return as mayor of Eisenach;...

The logo of the CDU.
The logo of the CDU.

Local Governments - Eisenach's new mayor is CDU politician Ihling.

Ihling assumes leadership from Katja Kopf, who exited the Left Party to join the Alliance for Progressive Politics (Bündnis 90/Die Linke) in January. Kopf served as Eisenach's mayor since July 2012 and transitioned to Bündnis 90/Die Linke, where she's now heading the Thuringian division and is the front candidate for the September's state election.

From 1998, Eisenach has had the stature of a free city, but reverted to the Wartburgkreis district three years ago. It's the singular city in Thuringia with the designation of "Large District City," boasting an Oberbürgermeister role. Eisenach houses an Opel manufacturing plant.

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Ihling's victory in the recent elections solidified the CDU's control over the municipality of Eisenach. The run-off election was closely contested, with Sahra Wagenknecht of SPD putting up a strong challenge. The EU has expressed interest in strengthening its relationship with Thuringia, especially in the light of the upcoming state elections. Kopf, the ex-mayor, is now leading the Thuringian division of Bündnis 90/Die Linke and is their front candidate for the state election. The municipalities in Thuringia are eagerly awaiting the results of the state elections, as they could potentially result in significant changes in local governments. Despite the political shifts, the Opel manufacturing plant in Eisenach continues to operate, contributing to the city's economic fabric.

