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Eintracht board takes critical stock of the year

A change of coach, painful cup defeats, a number of fan incidents and a shaky group stage in Europe. Eintracht Frankfurt has had a mixed year.

Axel Hellmann.
Axel Hellmann.

Bundesliga - Eintracht board takes critical stock of the year

Shortly before New Year's Eve, Eintracht Frankfurt's CEO Axel Hellmann drew a critical balance for 2023. "I wouldn't describe it as a good year because there were a whole series of disruptive noises or issues that we simply can't like," said Hellmann in an interview published on the Bundesliga club's website on Wednesday.

These included the departure of coach Oliver Glasner at the end of last season and some sporting results that fell short of expectations. "The elimination in the cup in Saarbrücken hurts a lot. That shouldn't have happened under any circumstances. I'm also not satisfied with the group stage in the Conference League, where we only finished second. That is not our standard and cannot satisfy us," said Hellmann.

The 50-year-old was also not pleased with a number of fan incidents, which resulted in the club having to pay almost one million euros in fines. "The million really hurts. I have the feeling that we have escalated in the wrong direction at one point or another," said Hellmann.

He was not interested in a general debate about pyrotechnics in stadiums. However, no boundaries should be crossed. "We're talking about everything that leaves the hand. This topic torments us. We have to get back behind this line. There is hardly any understanding, not in the committees, not among normal fans and not among neutral observers," emphasized the Eintracht board member.

Hellmann described the club's financial situation and the development of the women's team and the U21s as positive. The men's team, on the other hand, will have to improve in the Bundesliga next year "if we want to play internationally again." Hellmann is also counting on the fans: "We have often praised their strength and tailwind as an essential part of our success in recent years."

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