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Eight children injured by irritant gas

Four nursery school teachers are walking through a passageway in Heilbronn with eight children. Suddenly they all feel the urge to cough, a burning sensation in their throat and eyes and nausea.

Two youths are suspected of having sprayed irritant gas in the passageway (symbolic image).
Two youths are suspected of having sprayed irritant gas in the passageway (symbolic image).

Heilbronn - Eight children injured by irritant gas

Eight children and four kindergarten teachers were affected by tear gas in Heilbronn. They reported feeling nausea, coughing fits, and a burning sensation in their throats and eyes, according to the police. All were advised to see a doctor.

The responsible parties for the tear gas deployment on Tuesday were reportedly two adolescents. They were likely present at the exit of the passage. Witnesses stated that the two had always laughed when someone came out coughing. The police were unable to locate the adolescents. The investigation is ongoing.

In Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, the irritant gas caused significant cough irritation among the eight children and four teachers, leading to nausea and throat burning. The use of such gas is under investigation by the local police, as they search for the reportedly laughing adolescents responsible for the deployment. Despite the health issues, the authorities advise everyone involved to seek medical attention.

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