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Eggplant with yogurt

What you need: Chickpea flour, garlic, red chilli powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, salt, water, large eggplant, yogurt, salt, oil, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, coriander, oil

Das brauchen Sie: Kichererbsenmehl, Knoblauch, rotes Chilipulver, Kurkumapulver, Kreuzkümmelpulver,
Das brauchen Sie: Kichererbsenmehl, Knoblauch, rotes Chilipulver, Kurkumapulver, Kreuzkümmelpulver, Korianderpulver, Salz, Wasser, große Aubergine, Joghurt, Salz, Öl, Kreuzkümmelsamen, Kurkumapulver, Koriander, Ö

Rohes Material

Eggplant with yogurt

Für 4 Personen

•Für den Grammmehlteig:

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•Zur Dekoration:

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Lesen Sie auch:

The eggplant should be sliced thinly for the dish.The recipe for the eggplant dish includes various ingredients from the given list.


