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Eder warns of African swine fever

Environment Minister Katrin Eder warns of the dangers of African swine fever. "Everyone can contribute to preventing the introduction of African swine fever," emphasized the Green politician in Mainz on Thursday. The animal disease is not dangerous for humans, but is highly contagious and...

Climate Protection Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) from Rheiland-Pfalz.
Climate Protection Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) from Rheiland-Pfalz.

Environment Minister - Eder warns of African swine fever

Environment Minister Katrin Eder warns of the dangers of African swine fever. "Everyone can contribute to preventing the introduction of African swine fever," emphasized the Green politician in Mainz on Thursday. The animal disease is not dangerous for humans, but is highly contagious and usually fatal for domestic and wild pigs.

If the pathogen is introduced, it causes high economic damage in agriculture and causes great suffering for the animals. Humans are primarily responsible for the spread of the disease. "That's why I appeal to you not to dispose of leftovers in the countryside and only in waste containers with lids so that wild boars cannot eat them," emphasized the Minister.

According to her, African swine fever is currently rampant in Eastern Europe and Italy in particular. The increased volume of travel could increase the risk of the pathogen being introduced. The animal disease could be introduced into domestic pig farms and wild boar populations through infected sausage and meat leftovers, souvenirs or hunting trophies.

The African swine fever pathogen is extremely resistant. It can survive in raw meat as well as in cured or smoked meat products such as ham and salami for several weeks and months. The pathogen can even survive for years in deep-frozen meat.

According to Eder, the Ministry of the Environment in Rhineland-Palatinate is therefore once again warning against bringing food from regions where African swine fever is present. These include large areas in Poland and Romania, but also in Croatia, Italy, Greece and Hungary.

African swine fever is a contagious viral infection that affects wild and domestic pigs and usually leads to death within a week. The disease cannot be transmitted to humans. In Germany, African swine fever was first detected in a dead wild boar in Brandenburg in September 2020.


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