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Economy in NRW doubts coal phase-out in 2030

The coal phase-out targeted for 2030 is difficult to achieve from the perspective of the North Rhine-Westphalian economy. The President of Unternehmer NRW, Arndt Kirchhoff, told the "Rheinische Post" (Friday) that without new gas-fired power plants, the deadline would be "illusory". More speed...

Arndt Kirchhoff, President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Federation of Business Associations.
Arndt Kirchhoff, President of the North Rhine-Westphalia Federation of Business Associations.

Energy - Economy in NRW doubts coal phase-out in 2030

The coal phase-out targeted for 2030 is difficult to achieve from the perspective of the North Rhine-Westphalian economy. The President of Unternehmer NRW, Arndt Kirchhoff, told the "Rheinische Post" (Friday) that without new gas-fired power plants, the deadline would be "illusory". More speed is needed to restructure the energy supply. "2030 is already soon. But where are the gas-fired power plants that we absolutely need so that we have electricity when there is a dark doldrums?" Even if, "contrary to expectations", these are approved quickly next year, it will still be "very, very sporty" to compensate for the coal phase-out in 2030, said Kirchhoff.

The construction of gas-fired power plants is very complex. "If you are serious about this, then planning and approval procedures need to be significantly streamlined." The black-green state government of Hendrik Wüst (CDU) should put more pressure on the federal government here.

The federal government's goal is for 80 percent of the electricity consumed in Germany to come from renewable sources by 2030, currently just over half. New gas-fired power plants are to step in during "dark doldrums" - when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining - to cover the demand for electricity. Habeck had announced state subsidies. However, following a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court, the governing coalition will have to plug holes worth billions in the budget for 2024 and in the Climate and Transformation Fund.

Read also:

  1. Despite the concerns of the North Rhine-Westphalian economy, the coal phase-out is planned for 2030 in the German state of NRW.
  2. Arndt Kirchhoff, the President of Unternehmer NRW, stated to the Rheinische Post that the coal phase-out deadline would be impossible to meet without new gas-fired power plants.
  3. The construction of gas-fired power plants is necessary in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to Kirchhoff, to ensure electricity supply during periods of limited renewable energy production.
  4. The federal government aims to have 80% of Germany's electricity consumption coming from renewable sources by 2030, and gas-fired power plants are intended to support the grid during periods with limited wind and solar power.
  5. The debate over gas-fired power plants in NRW comes as the federal government grapples with budgetary challenges, following a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court regarding state subsidies for these plants.


