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Economic sentiment in the eurozone brightens somewhat

A recent survey by Sentix aims to determine the current economic sentiment in the eurozone. The results provide a ray of hope, but there is still no sign of a turnaround.

Germany brings up the rear in the latest Sentix survey on economic development in Euroram.
Germany brings up the rear in the latest Sentix survey on economic development in Euroram.

Economic situation - Economic sentiment in the eurozone brightens somewhat

Economic sentiment in the eurozone improved again in December. The economic indicator compiled by the Sentix analysis institute rose by 1.8 points to minus 16.8 points, as the consultancy firm announced in Frankfurt on Monday. However, analysts had expected a more significant improvement to an average of minus 15.6 points.

Although expectations for economic development brightened only slightly, the current situation was assessed as noticeably better. However, Sentix does not anticipate a turnaround for the better. "The still weak overall momentum and the lack of a certain amount of international support speak against this." So far, there are no signs of a new upturn in any region of the world.

Sentix takes a gloomy view of the situation in Germany. "The German economy remains the laggard among the world regions under review." The overall index has risen for the third time in a row. However, the value is still so low that it was only undercut during the 2008 financial crisis and during coronavirus 2020. "So there is still no sign of a turnaround in Germany."

Analysts pay more attention to the Sentix economic survey because it is published early in the respective reporting month. Observers are hoping for clues from other indicators such as the ZEW economic expectations or the Ifo business climate.

The current survey was conducted from November 30 to December 2 among 1245 investors.

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