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Economic Department proposes schemes for constructing fresh gas-fueled power stations

To make Germany's energy production more environmentally friendly, the Economics Ministry suggests the need for fresh or updated natural gas power plants.

- Economic Department proposes schemes for constructing fresh gas-fueled power stations

The Economic Ministry of the nation has revealed plans for publicly funded construction of fresh fossil fuel energy stations and refurbishment of present ones. These sites will be needed when renewable energy sources can't meet future electricity requirements. Moreover, the shift towards cleaner hydrogen energy will be boosted.

As explained by Economic Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), "We're making our power system ready for significant renewable energy usage and strengthening backup for periods of minimal wind and sun." Professional opinions on the draft legislation for the updated power grid security law can now be submitted within a six-week period by specialists, organizations, or corporations.

Firstly, funding will be tendered for energy plant capacities of 12.5 Gigawatts (GW) and 500 Megawatts (MW) of long-term storage. These gas power stations will be designed for future hydrogen conversion, along with some pure hydrogen energy stations being promoted.

The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, as mentioned, is responsible for the planned construction and refurbishment of fossil fuel energy stations. The draft legislation for the updated power grid security law is being open for feedback from specialists, organizations, and corporations, overseen by this ministry.

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