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Eco-activist intends to persist with fasting protest

Protesters advocating for climate action in Berlin have been demanding a government statement from Chancellor Scholz for several weeks. One participant was admitted to the hospital after suffering a collapse, but has since returned to the demonstrations.

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick speaks at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in...
Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick speaks at a press conference in the hunger strike camp in Invalidenpark.

Environmental emergency. - Eco-activist intends to persist with fasting protest

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, who underwent treatment at the hospital, is planning to continue his hunger strike for a government declaration from Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This was revealed by the "Hunger until you're honest" campaign on Tuesday morning. The 49-year-old required medical attention the previous evening due to a circulatory collapse, having endured 89 days of hunger strike. He recovered at the clinic after receiving an electrolyte solution and later rejoined the protesters at the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin.

Metzeler-Kick declared, "I had made up my mind beforehand: If I go to the hospital, I'll continue my hunger strike afterwards. I'll continue my hunger strike until Scholz finally admits the truth: There's no remaining CO2 budget left." Metzeler-Kick and three other hunger strikers are calling for a government statement in which Scholz, among other things, would acknowledge the current high levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and admit that there's no remaining carbon budget. They seek a drastic change for greater environmental protection.

Scholz had previously appealed to hunger strikers to end their action, stressing his dedication to climate change mitigation. However, he avoided discussing the specific demands of the activists.

Metzeler-Kick began his hunger strike on March 7th, and the others joined him gradually. He sipped daily fruit juices for the first 78 days, followed by an "absolute hunger strike," meaning he consumed no carbohydrates but continued with liquids.

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