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Ebner-Steiner: CSU policy is damaging for Bavaria

AfD parliamentary group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner has sharply attacked Minister President Markus Söder (CSU) after his first government statement of the new legislative period. She accused Söder and the state government made up of the CSU and the Free Voters of pursuing a policy to the...

Parliament - Ebner-Steiner: CSU policy is damaging for Bavaria

AfD parliamentary group leader Katrin Ebner-Steiner has sharply attacked Minister President Markus Söder(CSU) after his first government statement of the new legislative period. She accused Söder and the state government made up of the CSU and the Free Voters of pursuing a policy to the detriment of Bavaria and against its own population.

Specifically, she accused the government of failing to act against "the migration crisis, which is actually an invasion crisis". Söder is thus pursuing policies against his own country. "Your oath of office was nothing other than perjury," said Ebner-Steiner. "Your policy is the greatest damage to Bavaria since the end of the Second World War."

On the day before St. Nicholas Day, Söder had otherwise delivered a fairytale lesson. His speech was nothing more than a "litany of platitudes from the Christian Socialist cliché machine". "No clear statements, no clear course of action," criticized the AfD politician.

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