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Ebling commends bravery for attending party with right-wing music.

Residents alert police over the weekend about a party playing suspected right-wing extremist music. The Interior Minister commends their actions.

Der rheinland-pfälzische Innenminister Michael Ebling in Koblenz.
Der rheinland-pfälzische Innenminister Michael Ebling in Koblenz.

Radicalism or fanatic adherence to extreme views or methods. - Ebling commends bravery for attending party with right-wing music.

The Rhineland-Palatinate's Interior Minister, Michael Ebling, applauded the bravery of witnesses after a law enforcement operation in Kroev (Bernkastel-Wittlich region) related to right-wing music. Ebling, from the SPD party, stated on Monday, "It requires courage for neighbors not to avert their gaze." He emphasized the importance of a vigilant community that steps in when right-wing tunes and sayings are heard, enabling the police and state to intervene and take legal action.

After receiving information about potentially unlawful music and slogans, the police, with a significant presence, terminated a private event in Kroev on Saturday night. As per the authorities, the party in the Bernkastel-Wittlich district was put to an end through "forceful means." According to the Ministry of the Interior, neighbors had alerted the police about the gathering, where "apparently right-wing music was being played." Ebling revealed on SWR on Sunday that the authorities had prevented a right-wing concert.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, police undertook a night-long search of the two vacation homes and attended to the guests. There were already "police findings in relation to politically motivated crime" against some of the 18-person group, who were aged between 31 and 53.

According to the announcement, a majority of the group had traveled from North Rhine-Westphalia by bus. The police initiated six investigations: two criminal cases due to the use of symbols linked to constitutionally hostile organizations, two criminal cases due to the suspicion of incitement to hate speech, and two criminal cases for violations of the Narcotics Act.

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