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Eastern European heads of government discuss migration in Brussels

The heads of the eastern German states are meeting today for a special conference in
The heads of the eastern German states are meeting today for a special conference in

Eastern European heads of government discuss migration in Brussels

The heads of the eastern German states are meeting today for a special conference in Brussels. According to the Saxon State Chancellery, irregular migration and securing skilled workers are among the topics on the agenda. Saxony is currently chairing the conference. Minister President Michael Kretschmer will hand over the baton to his counterpart, Saxony-Anhalt's Minister President Reiner Haseloff (both CDU), as planned on Wednesday. The Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany, Carsten Schneider (SPD), will also take part in the discussions.

The discussions in Brussels involve exploring strategies to manage irregular migration, which could impact the regional labor market. The Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany, Carsten Schneider, emphasizes the importance of addressing skilled worker shortages within the context of migration.




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