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Easing further in flood areas: Rain lessens [ ]

In Bavaria's flooded areas, uncertainty reigned anew over the weekend due to heavy rainfall. The water levels increased, though not as significantly as they had before.

Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube.
Parts of the old town are flooded by the Danube.

Meteorological Conditions - Easing further in flood areas: Rain lessens [ ]

Following more rainfall, rivers in southern Bavaria have slightly risen, though experts at the Flood Information Service (HND) predict no major deterioration in condition today. They anticipate a mild increase in water levels. Most areas have had warnings withdrawn. Nevertheless, Passau remains on alert due to the possibility of flooding in densely populated areas. Otherwise, the predicted consequences are expected to be minimal, limited to roads and agricultural land.

The city of Passau still holds warning level 3, compared to levels 1 and 2 in flood-prone areas. The torrential rains during the weekend didn't result in the enormously swollen rivers as feared. Likewise, the flood situation is predicted to become less intense on Tuesday.

The German Meteorological Service projects only light to moderate precipitation over Bavaria until Wednesday. Meanwhile, some regions have terminated their states of emergency, despite ongoing clean-up operations. Regensburg and Neuburg-Schrobenhausen made this announcement.

Ongoing search for missing firefighter

In the Swabian Offingen (district of Günzburg), the efforts to locate a 22-year-old firefighter who capsized with his boat during the floods have been ongoing for over a week now. Authorities believe he is likely deceased. The possibility of him being transported by the Danube is still feasible, confirmed a police spokesperson. At minimum, four fatalities have been reported throughout Bavaria due to the floods.

The Bavarian Consumer Advice Center provides affected people in flood-impacted localities with complimentary guidance. Qualified energy advisors can inspect damage to buildings on-site, as disclosed by the Consumer Center. The standard self-contribution for the consultation will be covered by the Federal Ministry of Economics. Affected people can register for a free telephone hotline at the Consumer Center.

Threat of cancellation tsunami among hoteliers

The hospitality industry is bracing itself for a tsunami of cancellations as the summer travel season begins. Thomas Geppert, DEHOGA's Bavarian branch manager, notes that an increasing number of businesses, unaffected by the floods, are cancelling trips. "The flood calamity in Saarland has demonstrated that a flood wave can quickly follow," Geppert elaborated. Nevertheless, large swathes of Bavaria were not ravaged by this catastrophe.

Read also:

  1. Despite less rain, the County of Passau remains vigilant due to the potential for flooding in populated areas.
  2. The Flood Information Service (HND) expects a mild increase in water levels, but no significant deterioration in flood conditions today.
  3. The city of Passau maintains a warning level 3, while other flood-prone areas have only levels 1 and 2.
  4. The weekend's heavy rainfall did not result in the catastrophic flooding as initially feared, thankfully.
  5. The weather forecast for the upcoming days in Bavaria indicates only light to moderate precipitation, according to the German Meteorological Service.
  6. In the flood-impacted areas, the consumer advice center provides free guidance and on-site building inspections for affected residents.
  7. The hotel industry in Bavaria anticipates a wave of cancellations due to flood-related concerns, causing a potential tsunami of losses.
  8. The search for a missing firefighter in Swabian Offingen continues, with authorities investigating the possibility of his body being transported by the Danube.
  9. The water level in the rivers, though slightly elevated, has not led to significant flooding in most parts of Bavaria, as predicted.



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