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Each third inheritor secures a minimum of 100,000 euros.

Wealthy inheritors typically receive sizeable estates from their deceased relatives.
Wealthy inheritors typically receive sizeable estates from their deceased relatives.

Each third inheritor secures a minimum of 100,000 euros.

In the Western world, inheritance is more common than in the East, and high-income earners are more likely to receive sizeable inheritances. This is proven by a study, which also offers additional insights.

Have you ever been gifted an inheritance? A study conducted by Puls Market Research for Quirin Privatbank reveals that almost half of Germans (45%) haven't. The remaining half either received an inheritance (28%) or anticipate one in the future (21%).

One out of every three recipients inherited at least 100,000 euros, but there are notable regional and income disparities. The new federal states usually receive lower inheritances compared to the old ones, according to the survey.

Additionally, high-income earners are more likely to receive considerable inheritances. Among individuals with a monthly household net income of at least 4,000 euros, inheritances amount to at least 50,000 euros in nearly 60% of instances. Those earning less than 2,000 euros each month can only expect such a substantial sum in 25% of cases.

Children are most frequently beneficiaries

Surprisingly, children are the most frequent recipients of assets or property (62%). Spouses are considered in just 6% of cases, grandchildren in 11%, and other relatives like siblings, nieces, or nephews in 17% of cases.

Most inheritances (75%) take the form of cash or bank balances. Real estate (48%) and jewelry (28%) follow in second and third place. Securities (13%) and other valuable items such as wine, classic cars, art, or antiques (10%) are less common (multiple options were available).

Those yet to receive an inheritance can still be hopeful. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (73%) say they will leave at least 5,000 euros to their heirs in the future. Furthermore, every third respondent (34%) has at least 250,000 euros worth of assets to bequeath.

After conducting the study, it was found that among high-income earners with a monthly household net income of at least 4,000 euros, inheritances amount to at least 50,000 euros in nearly 60% of instances, indicating a stronger financial inheritance for this group. Additionally, when looking at the forms of inheritance, most (75%) take the shape of cash or bank balances, which can include large sums of cash.

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