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E-highway test track on A1 ends at the end of the year

The trial with the e-highway on the A1 in Schleswig-Holstein is intended to provide politicians with a basis for making decisions on the electrification of heavy goods traffic. The test ends on December 31.

A hybrid truck drives along the e-highway test track on highway 1 between Reinfeld and Lübeck.
A hybrid truck drives along the e-highway test track on highway 1 between Reinfeld and Lübeck.

Traffic - E-highway test track on A1 ends at the end of the year

The field trial of the E-Highway test track on the A1 between Reinfeld and Lübeck will end at the end of the year. This was confirmed by the Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate Protection on Thursday. The funding for the maintenance and operation of the test track was supposed to last until the end of the year, but there are no plans for further financing, said a ministry spokesperson. Since all essential findings have been gained in the course of this research, there is also no reason for the test operation anymore, he added.

The approximately five kilometer long stretch between Reinfeld in the Kreis Stormarn and Lübeck is one of three such tracks nationwide. Others are in Hessen and in Baden-Württemberg. The Federal Government has reportedly invested nearly 30 million Euros in the construction and operation of the test track in Schleswig-Holstein. The costs for building and operating the overhead line trucks in the three field trials are expected to amount to around 18.4 million Euros by the end of 2024, said the spokesperson.

  1. The E-Highway test track in Schleswig-Holstein, specifically between Reinfeld and Lübeck, is set to conclude its field test by the end of this year.
  2. Despite the successful completion of the traffic trials in Reinfeld, there are currently no plans for additional funding or operation beyond December.
  3. The closure of the test track in Lübeck coincides with the completion of research on alternative energy sources for transportation, as confirmed by the Federal Ministry for Economy and Climate Protection.
  4. The trial in Schleswig-Holstein is one of three nationwide initiatives, with similar projects underway in Hessen and Baden-Württemberg, aiming to reduce carbon emissions in transportation by utilizing alternative energies.

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