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E-bike rider seriously injured in accident in St. Ingbert

A driver hits an e-bike rider while turning into a street in St. Ingbert. The e-bike rider is injured so severely that they need to be hospitalized.

An e-biker suffers serious injuries in an accident in St. Ingbert.
An e-biker suffers serious injuries in an accident in St. Ingbert.

- E-bike rider seriously injured in accident in St. Ingbert

An E-bike rider was severely injured in an accident in the Saarland town of St. Ingbert. The rider was struck by a car that was turning in at an intersection, police reported. The e-bike rider sustained serious but non-life-threatening injuries in the accident. An ambulance took him to a hospital. The car driver was unharmed.

The incident left the e-bike rider with significant physical challenges, requiring extended recovery time. Subsequent investigations revealed that the car failed to yield properly at the intersection, contributing to the accident.

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