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DWD warns of heavy thunderstorms in the Prignitz district

Dark storm clouds move across the landscape in the east of Brandenburg.
Dark storm clouds move across the landscape in the east of Brandenburg.

Weather forecast - DWD warns of heavy thunderstorms in the Prignitz district

The German Weather Service (DWD) has warned the Brandenburg district of Prignitz for heavy thunderstorms with strong rain and hail. The severe weather warning is expected to last between 7 pm and approximately 9 pm, according to the DWD. Meteorologists predict rainfall amounts up to 40 liters per square meter and hail with a diameter of around 2 centimeters. There is a risk of power outages due to lightning strikes, uprooted trees, hail damage or falling tiles. During heavy thunderstorms, the DWD recommends avoiding being outside or seeking shelter and closing all windows and doors.

Severe Weather Warning DWD

The DWD's severe weather warning for Prignitz in Brandenburg includes a threat of heavy thunderstorms, as outlined in the weather forecast. Residents should be cautious during this time, as the storm could result in power outages or damage from hail or falling debris. The German Weather Service advises avoiding outdoor activities and securing windows and doors during such weather conditions.

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