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DWD warns of heavy thunderstorms in the Harz Mountains

There were already repeated warnings of severe thunderstorms in Saxony-Anhalt in the afternoon. In the Harz region, it is expected to become particularly heavy towards the evening.

A wind vane indicates the wind direction.
A wind vane indicates the wind direction.

Weather - DWD warns of heavy thunderstorms in the Harz Mountains

The German Weather Service (DWD) warns of extreme thunderstorms in the Harz region in the late afternoon. There is a great risk to life and limb, among other things, due to lightning strikes, uprooted trees, and covered roofs, as the DWD reported. Hail and flooding are also possible. The Flood Forecasting Centre warned of flooding in the river basins of the Bode and the Ilse. The DWD had already warned of thunderstorms in the Harz and other parts of Saxony-Anhalt in the afternoon. According to the situation centre at the Interior Ministry, no damages were initially known.

The DWD's warning extends beyond the Harz region, as thunderstorms are also anticipated in other parts of Saxony-Anhalt. Residents in Saxony-Anhalt should remain vigilant and take necessary precautions during the thunderstorms.

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