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Düsseldorf table: More maintenance for separated children

Separated children will be entitled to significantly more maintenance from next year. This is according to the new Düsseldorf table published by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. Separated fathers or mothers will have to pay correspondingly more for their children.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Social affairs - Düsseldorf table: More maintenance for separated children

Separated children will be entitled to significantly more maintenance from next year. This is according to the new Düsseldorf table published by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court. Separated fathers or mothers will have to pay correspondingly more for their children.

From the new year, the minimum maintenance for underage children up to their 6th birthday will be 480 instead of the previous 437 euros, for the period from the 6th to the 12th birthday 551 instead of the previous 502 euros and for the period from the 12th to the 18th birthday 645 instead of the previous 588 euros per month. For adult children, at least 689 euros (instead of the previous 628 euros) must be paid.

In contrast, the minimum rate for students who do not live with their parents or one parent will remain unchanged from 2023 at 930 euros.

The minimum rates will then increase with each income group of the person liable for maintenance. The income groups, which were last raised in 2018, will be increased by 200 euros across the board from January 1, 2024. The first income group will therefore no longer end at 1900 euros, but at 2100 euros. The 15th income group ends at 11,200 euros.

The deductible, which is left to the person liable to pay maintenance as a necessary personal requirement, will also be increased: It will be 1200 euros for fathers and mothers not in gainful employment instead of the previous 1120 euros and 1450 euros for those in gainful employment instead of the previous 1370 euros. Child benefit will be deducted from the child's needs.

The Düsseldorf table is the guideline used by all higher regional courts in Germany to determine and assess child maintenance. It has been published by the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court since 1979. The Maintenance Commission of the German Family Court Conference is also involved. Family courts throughout Germany use the Düsseldorf table as a basis for determining maintenance.

Dusseldorf Table Dusseldorf Table 2024 Explanations on the Dusseldorf Table 2024

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