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During plastering: Pirate Party election helpers threatened

About three months after the brutal attack on SPD politician Matthias Ecke, campaign workers are now being threatened during poster campaigning.

Election campaign helper reported to the police in Dresden in the night to Saturday a mugging...
Election campaign helper reported to the police in Dresden in the night to Saturday a mugging (image)

Dresden - During plastering: Pirate Party election helpers threatened

In Dresden, a Wahl campaign team of the party "Die Piraten" had another overarching incident given to them. Three men and a woman threatened four of their campaign helpers, who were hanging election posters for the upcoming state parliament election in the Seevorstadt neighborhood, according to the police statement on Monday. The perpetrators also announced they would tear down the posters again. Afterwards, they fled.

The campaign helpers reported the incident to a police patrol team shortly thereafter. Several patrol cars and civil forces searched for the suspects but could not find them.

State Protection Investigates

The investigation into the threat was taken over by the State Protection. According to police reports, it is being checked whether persons from the environment of the right-wing extremist group "Elblandrevolte" were involved. In the same night, the window of a Pirate Party office in the Neustadt district was sprayed with paint.

Attacks on Campaign Workers

A week prior, campaign workers in Leipzig were also threatened while putting up posters. Before the European and municipal elections in Saxony, there had also been some attacks on campaign teams.

A particularly brutal attack on European MP Matthias Ecke in Dresden at the beginning of May caused a stir. He was beaten up by several young men at night and sustained injuries severe enough to require hospital treatment.

  1. The SPD, being a key political party in Saxony, has expressed concern over the escalating incidents of Criminality during election campaigns, following the threatening incident in Dresden.
  2. The police in Dresden are working closely with the campaign team of the SPD, providing additional security measures for their members due to the increase in elections-related threats.
  3. During the SPD's campaign in Saxony's State election, Ms. from the party's campaign team emphasized the importance of standing together against hate speech and any form of threat directed at election workers.
  4. The State Protection authorities are also monitoring right-wing extremist groups, like "Elblandrevolte," to ensure their activities do not escalate further, following allegations of their involvement in the recent incidents of threat and vandalism.
  5. In light of the ongoing Criminality and attacks on campaign workers, the SPD's campaign team in Saxony has decided to increase community outreach, encouraging citizens to join their efforts in promoting peace and unity during the election period.

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