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Due to return to AfD: reconstruction in the plenary chamber of the state parliament

First out, then back in: The return of MP Christian Blex to the AfD parliamentary group has led to the second reorganization in the plenary chamber. The rearrangement of the chairs should be completed by the first plenary session in January.

Seats and tables are rearranged in the plenary of the Landtag.
Seats and tables are rearranged in the plenary of the Landtag.

Parliament - Due to return to AfD: reconstruction in the plenary chamber of the state parliament

Now that the AfD parliamentary group wants to reinstate Christian Blex, a member of parliament who has been dismissed, another minor renovation of the state parliament's plenary chamber is on the cards. After a single seat in the last row was created for Blex last year, everything is now being reversed.

Blex was expelled from the AfD parliamentary group at the end of September 2022 following a controversial trip to Russia. He remained in the state parliament as a non-attached MP and from then on sat behind his former parliamentary group colleagues. Instead, one MP and one AfD MP moved up a row.

Blex, who has since withdrawn his appeal against his expulsion at the Constitutional Court in Münster, is to rejoin the AfD parliamentary group from January 1, according to a state parliament spokesperson. "The seating arrangements will be adjusted accordingly for the plenary session in January 2024," said the spokesperson.

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