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Dry weather expected in MV after wind and rain

The dense cloud cover of the past few days will only clear up briefly on Boxing Day in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The German Weather Service (DWD) expects showers in places throughout Tuesday with temperatures of up to ten degrees, otherwise it should remain dry.

Sunrays penetrate through gaps in the clouds.
Sunrays penetrate through gaps in the clouds.

Forecast - Dry weather expected in MV after wind and rain

The dense cloud cover of the past few days will only clear up briefly on Boxing Day in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Throughout Tuesday, the German Weather Service (DWD) expects showers in places with temperatures of up to ten degrees, otherwise it should remain dry.

The showers will ease on Wednesday night. With temperatures between two and four degrees, it should be cloudy but without precipitation. On Wednesday, the clouds will temporarily clear and it will remain dry in many places. Temperatures will reach lows of up to two degrees.

Weather forecast DWD as of 06.59 am

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Despite the improvement on Boxing Day, dense cloud cover could potentially bring heavy rain to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Christmas Day, as per the DWD's weather prediction. The German Weather Service had initially forecast dry weather for the region, but the cloud cover's impact on the forecast remains unclear. The weather pattern could potentially disrupt the holiday plans for some residents.




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