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Drunken man bites police officer, also attacked paramedic

The series of attacks on police officers in MV continues. An officer must be operated on after being bitten twice by a man.

Police officers were attacked nearly 900 times while on duty in MV last year.
Police officers were attacked nearly 900 times while on duty in MV last year.

- Drunken man bites police officer, also attacked paramedic

Again, police officers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern have been attacked by drunken troublemakers during their duties. A police spokesman reported that officers in Ludwigslust assisted paramedics in transporting a mentally disturbed man to Schwerin hospital on Saturday night. The 34-year-old became increasingly aggressive in the emergency room, shouting racist slogans. When police attempted to detain him, he bit one of the officers on the arm and hand.

The officer had to undergo surgery due to the bite wounds. The 34-year-old had a blood alcohol level of 2.43 percent. Another attack occurred in Parchim on Sunday afternoon. A 33-year-old man complained loudly about traffic regulations following an accident, insulted a policewoman several times, and eventually pushed her. Only after a threat of arrest did the man comply with the order to leave the intersection. Charges were filed against him for assaulting a law enforcement officer.

On Friday evening, police in Hagenow arrested a 33-year-old man who was causing a disturbance in the city center and threatening officers. He resisted arrest and caused abrasions to one of the officers. His blood alcohol level was almost two percent.

In Kühlungsborn, police were called out on Saturday night after a paramedic was physically attacked. The emergency service had been called because a drunk man was unconscious in the yacht harbor. The paramedics placed the man on a stretcher, but he suddenly punched the paramedic in the face. His blood alcohol level was 2.69 percent, and charges were filed against him.

Interior Minister Christian Pegel (SPD) has expressed concern about the increasing number of attacks on law enforcement and emergency services. He announced a tough stance against perpetrators. In the state, there has been a noticeable increase in aggressive behavior towards police officers, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians. According to the minister, the number of recorded cases increased by about 60 to 1014 incidents in 2023 compared to the previous year. Nearly 900 of these attacks were against police officers. He stressed that such behavior is never justified and often endangers people who urgently need help. "Every attack on emergency services is one too many and cannot be tolerated," the minister emphasized.

The officer who was bitten during the arrest underwent a surgical procedure to heal from the bite wounds. Due to this incident, the 33-year-old was arrested and charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer.

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