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Drunk man breaks police officer's toe during arrest

The police are called to Ostbahnhof because a man is alleged to have kicked a senior citizen. They arrest the suspect, but he resists arrest.

Drunk man resists arrest and breaks police officer's toe
Drunk man resists arrest and breaks police officer's toe

Crime - Drunk man breaks police officer's toe during arrest

A drunk man broke a toe of a policeman during his arrest at Berlin Ostbahnhof. The police were called to the station in the Friedrichshain district on Monday evening because the man was reported to have pushed an 82-year-old against his stomach and injured him, as the police announced on Tuesday. The suspect, a 38-year-old man, was encountered by the police between two railway embankments - with a bottle in his hand.

The man did not comply with the police orders, so they tried to pin him against a wall. When they attempted to put handcuffs on him, he resisted with punches and kicks and injured the officer. The officer had to end his shift and was taken to a hospital. An alcohol test on the suspect showed a breath alcohol level of 2.6 promille. On the way to the station, the man is said to have continued to resist. After his identification and a blood sample were taken, he was released again.

Due to the man's aggressive behavior at Berlin East Station in Friedrichshain, the police decided to arrest him. Despite being arrested, the intoxicated individual continued to exhibit hostile actions, leading to further incidents at the police station. The arrest of the 38-year-old suspect for committing a crime at East Station involved the involvement of police personnel from the Friedrichshain district.

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