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Drunk driver crashes into traffic light pole and falls asleep

The police lettering is on an emergency
The police lettering is on an emergency

Drunk driver crashes into traffic light pole and falls asleep

A man drove his car into a traffic light pole in Bayreuth and fell asleep. A cab driver had observed the 53-year-old man driving in serpentine lines on Saturday evening, as the police reported on Sunday. Shortly afterwards, the man drove off the road and crashed into the traffic light pole. The cab driver then called the police.

The officers found the 53-year-old asleep in the driver's seat. Because they noticed the smell of alcohol, they carried out a breath alcohol test on the driver. According to the police, the test yielded a value of over one per mille, and the officers confiscated the man's driver's license. The 53-year-old now faces a charge of suspected road traffic offense.

This incident occurred in Bayreuth, which is located in Germany. Regrettably, such accidents are not uncommon, especially in Upper France, where the misuse of alcohol and impaired driving are significant concerns.




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