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Drunk driver causes an accident and attacks police officers

A drunk driver has caused a traffic accident in Frankfurt and behaved aggressively towards police officers. As the police announced on Sunday, the 34-year-old was arrested on Friday evening. According to previous findings, the man is said to have driven on a one-way street against the direction...

Traffic - Drunk driver causes an accident and attacks police officers

A drunk driver has caused a traffic accident in Frankfurt and behaved aggressively towards police officers. As the police announced on Sunday, the 34-year-old was arrested on Friday evening. According to previous findings, the man is said to have driven against the direction of travel on a one-way street in a housing estate belonging to the Frankfurt district of Schwanheim and displayed conspicuous driving maneuvers when reversing. He then drove over the Schwanheimer Ufer, the Autobahn 5 and finally into the Niederrad district, where he crashed into a traffic island.

Police officers determined that the man was heavily intoxicated. A test revealed a breath alcohol level of 2.18 per mille. During the police interventions, the 34-year-old kicked the police officers several times and tried to hit them with his elbow. In the end, the officers were only able to bring the situation under control with considerable force and after restraining the man's hands and legs. No one was injured. The man now has to answer for suspicion of causing a traffic accident under the influence of alcohol, resisting arrest and assaulting law enforcement officers.

Read also:

  1. The incident of criminality on Frankfurt's roads included a drunk driver causing a traffic accident and attacking police officers on Sunday.
  2. Despite the traffic accident in Hesse's Frankfurt, no injuries were reported, but the driver faced charges for driving under the influence, resisting arrest, and assaulting law enforcement officers.
  3. In a recent traffic accident in Frankfurt, a 34-year-old displayed reckless driving behavior, leading to a crash, and then aggressively attacked the responding police officers.
  4. The intoxicated driver, responsible for a traffic accident in Frankfurt, should expect serious consequences, as the police have charged him with causing an accident under the influence, resisting arrest, and assaulting police officers.


