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Drug seizure during apartment search in Leipzig.

While searching an apartment in the Neustadt-Neuschönefeld district of Leipzig for a stolen cell phone, police unintentionally uncovered a large cache of drugs. Late Thursday morning, they found approximately one kilogram of cocaine, over four kilograms of crystal, nearly a kilo of hashish, and...

The words "Police" are written on the hood of a patrol car.
The words "Police" are written on the hood of a patrol car.

Law enforcement officers actively engaged. - Drug seizure during apartment search in Leipzig.

A man renting an apartment was briefly detained by police. Authorities obtained a warrant that same day, targeting the 54-year-old individual. Following his arrest, the suspect was transported to a local detention center. Officers at the request of the prosecutor searched the suspect's apartment, but did not locate the stolen phone that they'd been seeking.

News article from the Police Department

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