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Dröge rejects FDP criticism of the 2024 budget - and warns of budget failure

In view of the criticism from the ranks of the FDP, Green parliamentary group leader Katharina Dröge has warned against a failure of the budget compromise of the traffic light coalition. She told the Bavarian media group's newspapers that "individual building blocks" could not be pulled out of...

Katharina Drö
Katharina Drö

Dröge rejects FDP criticism of the 2024 budget - and warns of budget failure

Following the agreement reached by the coalition leaders, the FDP had announced its opposition to the planned abolition of the agricultural diesel subsidy and vehicle tax exemption. Dröge pointed out that the leaders of the parliamentary groups had also seen these proposals and had assumed joint responsibility in the coalition committee. "It does not inspire confidence if you act as if you had nothing to do with your own decisions."

Dröge emphasized: "If you want a new solution, you have to work together to find an alternative that works." What was on the table was the agreement that was possible. "We parliamentary group leaders have a responsibility to ensure that an agreement is also reached in the Bundestag at the end," said the Green politician.

On Wednesday, the federal cabinet introduced strict austerity measures for the 2024 budget. They are intended to help close the billion-euro hole in the budget for the coming year, which was caused by a budget ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court.

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