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A bus involved in an accident lies in the ditch near
A bus involved in an accident lies in the ditch near

Driver's life still in danger after bus accident

Five days after the accident involving a public bus in Lower Bavaria with 15 injuries, the driver's life is still in danger. His condition is critical, a police spokeswoman said on Monday. The injured pupils are no longer being treated in hospital.

The cause of the accident in Laberweinting (Straubing-Bogen district) remained unclear on Monday. The police wanted to question the bus driver as soon as possible, the spokeswoman said.

The bus with 13 pupils on board left a district road on Wednesday and drove into the ditch. Five people were seriously injured in the accident and ten suffered minor injuries, according to the police.

The police are eager to interrogate the bus driver regarding the accident in Lower Bavaria, as traffic safety is paramount. Unfortunately, the cause of the accident resulting in the bus driving off the road and causing numerous injuries, including the critical condition of the driver, remains unexplained.


