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Driver races over traffic island: flees on three tires

After an accident, a 59-year-old driver in Lower Bavaria tried to drive on with only three tires and flee the scene. According to the police, officers stopped the man in Hengersberg (Deggendorf district) a short time later on Sunday night and discovered that only the rim was left on the front...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police vehicle.

Accidents - Driver races over traffic island: flees on three tires

After an accident, a 59-year-old driver in Lower Bavaria tried to drive on with only three tires and flee the scene. According to the police, officers stopped the man in Hengersberg (Deggendorf district) a short time later on Sunday night and discovered that only the rim was left on the front right-hand side of the vehicle.

The man had reportedly raced over a traffic island and driven over traffic signs. An oncoming vehicle swerved to avoid the 59-year-old in order to prevent a collision. According to the police, officers detected the smell of alcohol in the man, so they took a blood sample and confiscated his driver's license. The man is now being investigated for endangering road traffic due to alcohol and leaving the scene of an accident without permission.

Read also:

  1. Despite the accident on Sunday in the District of Deggendorf, the driver continued to drive, only having three functional tires on his vehicle.
  2. The incident occurred at a traffic island, where the driver apparently lost control and drove over traffic signs.
  3. The incident caused another vehicle to swerve to avoid a collision, which added to the potential danger on the roads of Lower Bavaria.
  4. The police, upon stopping the driver in Hengersberg, detected the smell of alcohol and took a blood sample, leading to the confiscation of his driver's license.
  5. The incident has now resulted in an investigation for endangering road traffic due to alcohol and leaving the scene of an accident without permission.
  6. With the rise of criminality on Bavarian roads, it is crucial for drivers to be more responsible and drive safely, ensuring the well-being of both themselves and other drivers.


