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Driver encountered assault and threats with a knife following collision

In the southern part of Berlin, a 13-year-old scooter user gets into an accident with a car, resulting in severe injuries. Reports suggest that his sibling allegedly assaults the car's driver immediately following the mishap.

A 13-year-old apparently failed to observe traffic while venturing onto the road.
A 13-year-old apparently failed to observe traffic while venturing onto the road.

- Driver encountered assault and threats with a knife following collision

Following a clash between a motor vehicle and an electric scooter in Berlin-Schmargendorf, the vehicle's driver ended up getting pummeled by the 13-year-old's elder sibling and was menaced with a blade. Preliminary investigations indicate that the 13-year-old carelessly rolled onto Helene-Jacobs-Straße's roadway on a Sunday afternoon, disregarding traffic rules, as per the police's report. It was there that the youngster clashed with a 61-year-old's vehicle.

As per the police, the 13-year-old suffered head and leg injuries and was rushed to a medical facility for treatment. Moments after the incident, the 17-year-old sibling of the boy retaliated by striking the motorist and brandishing a knife, resulting in a swelling under the 61-year-old's eye. The elderly individual opted against receiving medical attention. The 17-year-old was apprehended and passed into his parents' custody once his identity had been verified.

The 13-year-old's sibling felt responsible for protecting their younger brother after the accident. On the day of the incident, the children's parents were deeply concerned about the seriousness of the 17-year-old's actions.

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