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Driver dies after medical emergency on A60

A driver died on Tuesday evening after a medical emergency on the A60 near Mainz. Despite resuscitation attempts, the 57-year-old man died on the way to hospital, according to police reports early on Wednesday morning. The man had previously hit the central crash barrier with his car shortly...

An ambulance drives across a highway.
An ambulance drives across a highway.

Mainz - Driver dies after medical emergency on A60

A driver died on Tuesday evening after a medical emergency on the A60 near Mainz. Despite resuscitation attempts, the 57-year-old man died on the way to hospital, according to police reports early on Wednesday morning. The man had previously hit the central crash barrier with his car shortly before the Mainz-Finthen junction due to the medical emergency. The man's passenger and wife was subsequently able to steer the car off the highway at the junction until it came to a halt on a bend. It touched the right-hand crash barrier.

Police press release

Read also:

  1. The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the medical emergency and subsequent accident on the A60 near Mainz, where a driver tragically died.
  2. In a related incident, authorities in Rhineland-Palatinate reported multiple accidents on the A60 due to heavy rain and slick roads, causing delays for emergency services responding to the initial incident.
  3. In response to the fatal accident, local traffic authorities in Mainz are reminding drivers to always carry their emergency contact information and necessary medical documents while on the road, especially when embarking on long journeys.




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