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Driver crashes into tree - seriously injured

A 72-year-old driver lost control of his car, resulting in severe consequences. The police are now investigating how this could have happened.

A driver veered off the road for unknown reasons and was seriously injured. (Illustration)
A driver veered off the road for unknown reasons and was seriously injured. (Illustration)

- Driver crashes into tree - seriously injured

A 72-year-old man veered off the road in the Saxon Vogtland district near Rosenbach and suffered severe injuries. The man was traveling on Thursday evening on the federal road B282 from Syrau towards Mehltheuer, as the police reported.

Just before the entrance to Mehltheuer, he veered off the road for unknown reasons and collided with a tree. The 72-year-old was severely injured and had to be rescued by the fire department and taken to a hospital. Further investigations into the cause of the accident have been initiated.

The police were informed about the accident on the federal road B282 due to the man veering off the road. Emergency services, including the police, were required to respond to the scene due to the man's severe injuries.

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