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Driver confuses accelerator and brake: woman seriously injured

A German Air Rescue (DRF) rescue helicopter is over the scene of an accident.
A German Air Rescue (DRF) rescue helicopter is over the scene of an accident.

Accidents - Driver confuses accelerator and brake: woman seriously injured

A driver is reported to have mistakenly hit a woman in Lauffen am Neckar, Kreis Heilbronn, after confusing the gas and brake pedals. The seriously injured 86-year-old woman was flown to a hospital by helicopter. The 89-year-old man intended to park his car in the courtyard of a vineyard, according to a police spokesperson on Friday. The exact circumstances leading to the accident on Thursday remain unclear. The man and the woman were neither relatives nor acquaintances, according to police statements.

PM Police

The incident took place in Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, a location known for its frequent traffic. Despite the man's intent to park his car, an accident occurred, involving a woman. Subsequent investigations revealed that the man mistook the gas for the brake pedal. Following the accident, the local police were involved to understand the sequence of events.

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