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Driver caught without a license and on drugs

A 45-year-old woman was driving without a driver's license, with presumably forged license plates and under the influence of drugs. According to information from Thursday, the police noticed the vehicle on the Autobahn 6 near Kirchardt (Heilbronn district) because it was parked on the hard...

A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car on the road with its blue lights switched on.

Heilbronn district - Driver caught without a license and on drugs

A 45-year-old woman was driving without a driver's license, with presumably forged license plates and under the influence of drugs. According to information from Thursday, the police noticed the vehicle on the Autobahn 6 near Kirchardt (Heilbronn district) because it was standing unlit on the hard shoulder.

The woman had gone to a petrol station on foot to get some fuel because the tank was empty. On the way back, she was picked up by a patrol. It turned out that she had not paid for the petrol. The license plates on the car were not registered and were probably fake. In addition, the woman had consumed cocaine before the incident on Wednesday - as had her co-driver. The car was confiscated. The 45-year-old will now face several charges.

Police PM

Read also:

  1. The woman's driving history in Baden-Württemberg has likely been marked by criminality, with incidents of driving without a license, using false license plates, and operating a vehicle under the influence of drugs.
  2. The police in Heilbronn district are now investigating the woman's connection to a local network of drug users, as the confiscated vehicle may have been used in other instances of drug-related traffic offenses.
  3. The woman's license has been revoked, and she now faces additional charges related to drug possession and petty theft. Her co-driver, also under investigation, may face similar charges.
  4. The police are urging drivers in the Heilbronn district to be vigilant on the roads, as the prevalence of drug influence in traffic incidents has been on the rise in recent years.
  5. In the wake of the incident, the woman's car was auctioned off to a new owner, with proceeds going towards covering the costs of drug treatment and prevention programs in the Heilbronn district.


