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Malu Dreyer (SPD), Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, speaks in the state
Malu Dreyer (SPD), Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, speaks in the state

Dreyer rejects criticism of MPK resolutions

The Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer (SPD), has rejected criticism of the resolutions of the Minister Presidents' Conference on migration policy. Those who said today that the resolutions were not far-reaching enough should first implement what has already been decided, Dreyer said in Mainz on Sunday.

"We have already created the conditions for speeding up procedures. Our administrative courts are the quickest in Germany to decide on asylum cases," she explained, referring to Rhineland-Palatinate. To this end, the state has concentrated responsibility for all asylum cases at the administrative court in Trier. "This allows us to achieve a high level of specialization among judges and, as a result, fast proceedings." According to statistics from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, it takes 4.7 months for asylum cases in Rhineland-Palatinate to be adjudicated, compared to an average of 20.5 months in Bavaria and 21.5 months in North Rhine-Westphalia.

In order to help refugees without overburdening society, the heads of the federal states and the federal government have agreed on a cross-party pact. "We will control and regulate more and thus reduce the number of refugees. Through controls at external borders, through more rights for officials in the search for people to be deported and in establishing their identity if people are not in need of protection and therefore cannot stay with us," said Dreyer.

It would also be examined whether asylum procedures could already take place in the transit countries. Benefits would be reduced where this was possible within the framework of German jurisdiction. "According to the federal government's figures, we assume that this will save the municipalities a billion euros, which will provide them with urgently needed relief." A payment card will also be introduced instead of cash.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and the heads of government of the 16 federal states reached an agreement on Tuesday night after months of dispute over the distribution of refugee costs and agreed on measures to reduce irregular migration to Germany. The CDU and CSU had criticized the MPK resolutions as disappointing and inadequate.

"Despite criticisms suggesting that the Minister Presidents' Conference resolutions on migration policy are not comprehensive enough, Dreyer highlights Rhineland-Palatinate's efforts to expedite asylum processes by centralizing cases at the Trier administrative court, resulting in faster proceedings for refugees."

"In an effort to support refugees without overburdening society, Dreyer supports measures such as controlling and regulating immigrant numbers, conducting border checks, and potentially processing asylum applications in transit countries, all aiming to save costs and accommodate more effectively."


