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Dreyer farewell in the Bundesrat with an appeal for secure pensions

In her last appearance as Minister President, Malu Dreyer speaks on the subject of pensions of all things. The 63-year-old will step down as head of government in Rhineland-Palatinate in a few days' time.

During Malu Dreyer's last appearance in the Bundesrat, there were many personal congratulations for...
During Malu Dreyer's last appearance in the Bundesrat, there were many personal congratulations for the Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Federal Council - Dreyer farewell in the Bundesrat with an appeal for secure pensions

The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD) advocated for a reliable statutory pension scheme for the people in her last speech in the Bundesrat. "Someone who works all their life and pays contributions should be able to rely on it providing a good living in old age," said the outgoing government head in Berlin. The planned pension package II of the federal government, which includes a permanently secure pension level of 48 percent, is a reliable anchor point.

Dreyer firmly rejected an increase in the retirement age from the current 67 years. For those who wish to voluntarily remain in gainful employment longer, there should be attractive opportunities for them. "I do not consider raising the retirement age beyond 67 to be the right way," emphasized the outgoing government head. "For all those who can no longer work, that would be nothing but an unfair pension cut."

Dreyer as a convinced federalist

Bundesrat President Manuela Schwesig described Dreyer in her last appearance in the Chamber of the Laender as a great federalist. Engaging with the people and meeting them at eye level has always been a high priority for Dreyer. The federal diversity has always enabled her, in her view, to make citizen-friendly decisions.

Dreyer has been a member of the Bundesrat for over 22 years, representing Rhineland-Palatinate. She served as Labor and Social Minister for eleven years and as Minister-President for another eleven years since 2013. The Social Democrat participated in a total of 95 sessions and spoke over 60 times according to Schwesig. President of the Chamber of the Laender she was from November 2016 to the end of October 2017.

Dreyer also showed great engagement as a long-standing member of the Mediation Committee, emphasized the Bundesrat President. As a skilled negotiator, she fought for the alignment of different interests and constructive solutions. With her infectious cheerfulness and heartfelt and open manner, she significantly shaped and enriched the work in the Bundesrat for more than two decades.

Her successor Schweitzer is to be elected on Wednesday

The 63-year-old Dreyer recently announced her resignation and explained it by stating that she no longer had enough energy for the office of Minister-President. Her successor Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) is to be elected on the coming Wednesday in the Rhineland-Palatinate Landtag in Mainz.

  1. Malu Dreyer, the outgoing Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate and a long-serving member of the SPD, strongly advocated for a reliable pension scheme for the people in her last speech in the Bundesrat in Berlin.
  2. President Manuela Schwesig of the Federal Council commended Dreyer for her commitment to federalism, highlighting her focus on engaging with the people and making decisions that benefit citizens.
  3. As both a Labor and Social Minister and the Minister-President of Rhineland-Palatinate, Dreyer has been a member of the Bundesrat for over 22 years and has significantly contributed to its work through her participation in various sessions and speeches.
  4. Dreyer's dedication to the Bundesrat was evident in her role as a member of the Mediation Committee, where she skillfully negotiated to align different interests and champion constructive solutions.
  5. The federal government's pension package II, which includes a permanently secure pension level of 48 percent, has the support of Malu Dreyer, who believes it provides a reliable anchor point for a good living in old age.

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