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Dreyer calls for unity and confidence

At the turn of the year, Malu Dreyer emphasizes the strengths of Rhineland-Palatinate and its people. In her New Year's address, the head of government calls on us to "turn times to the good together".

Malu Dreyer, SPD Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, photographed during an interview
Malu Dreyer, SPD Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, photographed during an interview with the German Press Agency.

Turn of the year - Dreyer calls for unity and confidence

Minister President Malu Dreyer has called on the people of Rhineland-Palatinate to start 2024 with "courage and confidence". "Many things are challenging us, the climate crisis, the refugee movements, the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine as well as the high cost of living," said the SPD politician in her New Year's address, according to the manuscript. "Despite all the bad things happening in the world, I have always clearly felt that Rhineland-Palatinate is strong during my encounters in the state."

Dreyer praised the many people who stand up for others and for Rhineland-Palatinate. "Even if we can't solve all the world's problems, we can rely on our strength." For the state government, the people "who stand up for the we are always an incentive to support their commitment," promised Dreyer. "Together, we can turn times around. We are working on this with all our strength."

She was aware of the concerns of many people "when they open their heating bills and stand at the supermarket checkout", said Dreyer. "We are supporting them with the housing benefit reform. It was also right to increase the minimum wage to twelve euros." The head of government assured the people in the Ahr valley and in the other flood-affected areas: "Together, we are rebuilding sustainably and with a strong future. The reconstruction aid is secure! The federal and state governments stand by their promises."

Dreyer said that many large and medium-sized companies in Rhineland-Palatinate were currently undergoing many changes and that nothing was easy. "However, employees and companies see their future with us in the state. Many are investing large sums of money and there are more employees subject to social insurance contributions than ever before." Biotechnology is about "huge future opportunities and many future jobs". What the state government has been doing in this sector for years, together with research, industry and business, helps to combat serious diseases such as cancer and creates good jobs for tomorrow. There were more teachers in schools than ever before.

A good future is always built on confidence, said Dreyer. In this respect, it was to be hoped that 2024 would be an easier year, that peace talks could stop war and violence. "We are living in turbulent times, but in Rhineland-Palatinate we live safely and in freedom." And: "We all contribute to our vibrant democracy, strong cohesion, successful economy and security."

Read also:

  1. Malu Dreyer, the SPD politician and Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, expressed her confidence in the strength of the state, even in the face of global challenges like climate crisis, refugee movements, and conflicts in Middle East and Ukraine.
  2. Dreyer commended the people of Rhineland-Palatinate for their unity and support, emphasizing that the government is always inspired by their commitment, especially in times of hardship.
  3. During her New Year's address, Dreyer reassured the people that the government is addressing their concerns, such as increased living costs, by implementing measures like housing benefit reform and minimum wage increase, and promised continuous support to flood-affected areas.
  4. Dreyer highlighted the confidence in Rhineland-Palatinate's future among large and medium-sized companies, as employees and businesses see their future with the state, with many investing in the region and an increase in social insurance contributions.
  5. Strengthening confidence in the future is crucial, and Dreyer expressed hopes that 2024 would bring an easier year, with peace talks stopping wars and violence, and all contributing to Rhineland-Palatinate's vibrant democracy, strong cohesion, successful economy, and security.




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