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Dreyer: Biotechnology one of the "greatest opportunities for the future"

Minister President Dreyer considers biotechnology to be one of the greatest opportunities for the future of Rhineland-Palatinate. Work for democracy, which Dreyer sees under pressure, will also be important for her in 2024. Before the local elections, she is focusing on meeting people.

Malu Dreyer, Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, stands in the State Chancellery
Malu Dreyer, Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, stands in the State Chancellery ballroom.

Prime Minister - Dreyer: Biotechnology one of the "greatest opportunities for the future"

The transformation of the economy, climate change, education, health and the reconstruction of the Ahr Valley will be key issues for Rhineland-Palatinate's Minister President Malu Dreyer in the coming year. "We will continue to make our state fit for the future," the SPD politician told the German Press Agency in Mainz. "For me, positioning ourselves for the future means in particular that we will continue to drive forward new opportunities for our country, such as the topic of biotechnology, with real vigor."

" Biotechnology is certainly one of the greatest opportunities for the future, both in medical terms and for Rhineland-Palatinate as a research and business location," said Dreyer. "It has the potential for truly epoch-making medical advances to alleviate serious widespread diseases - whether it is cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or age-related diseases." Biotechnology creates "good medicine and good jobs".

"We have invested a great deal and want to invest up to 800 million euros in science by the end of the legislative period," Dreyer announced. Company relocations show that this is working. Most recently, the US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly announced that it would be building a new production facility in Alzey for drugs to treat diabetes, for example.

The company is investing around 2.5 billion euros in a climate-neutral production facility and creating 1,000 high-quality jobs, said Dreyer. "The city of Alzey expects to generate millions in business tax." Alzey was chosen by Eli Lilly as its German headquarters because the infrastructure and research environment were right. "This confirms the potential for the future of Rhineland-Palatinate."

Daimler Truck in Wörth is also a "beacon". The company is a pioneer in its sector when it comes to switching to electric and hydrogen drives for commercial vehicles. More than 2,000 employees there have already been trained in the manufacture of trucks with new drive systems. "That is a great achievement. This successful transformation model shows what a challenge the entire economy faces."

Dreyer emphasized that the state government would continue to support the economy in its transformation, "so that it manages to become climate-neutral and remain successful". Rhineland-Palatinate needs sustainable jobs. "That also remains my personal focus, that we continue to achieve this with this government."

The Minister President named the reorganization of civil protection, education policy and the expansion of renewable energies in the face of climate change as other important topics for 2024. "We are now doing very well in photovoltaics, where we have already exceeded the targets set out in the coalition agreement," said Dreyer. "That's exactly what we want to achieve with wind. We believe that we set the right course for this last year and that this is picking up speed - or rather wind."

Another important topic in the coming year will be medical and nursing care and the training of specialists in this field. "We are making great progress here, for example with the expansion of study places." In Koblenz, a third medical campus is being developed with the German Armed Forces, while Trier is being expanded. "This means even more opportunities for young people to study medicine," said Dreyer. She also referred to the Bachelor's degree course in Physician Assistant that will start in 2024 at the university's Zweibrücken site in Kaiserslautern. This is intended to better qualify employees for hospitals and practices, also to relieve the burden on doctors.

Dreyer explained that she also wanted to focus on strengthening democracy in 2024, when the Basic Law will be 75 years old. "That is an important point. Our democracy is under pressure in Germany and in Europe. We have a strong civil society and a broad alliance for democracy in Rhineland-Palatinate," said Dreyer. "I want to further strengthen and expand this."

With a view to the upcoming local and European elections in June, Dreyer wants to focus on personal contact with people. "It is still my personal experience that it is worthwhile to meet people directly," she said. "A town hall makes perfect sense. I still really enjoy doing it. People ask everything, they should ask everything, they should say everything." Many things can be clarified or explained in direct contact with citizens. "I think direct dialog with people is really important, especially during local elections."

Read also:

  1. The upcoming elections in Rhineland-Palatinate will be another opportunity for the SPD, led by Malu Dreyer, to demonstrate their commitment to driving forward opportunities for the future, especially in the field of biotechnology.
  2. Dreyer believes that biotechnology, with its potential for groundbreaking medical advancements in the treatment of diseases like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, is one of the greatest opportunities for the future in both medical and economic terms for Rhineland-Palatinate.
  3. To support this growth in the biotechnology sector, Dreyer announced that the state will invest up to 800 million euros in science by the end of the legislative period.
  4. This investment has already attracted major companies like Eli Lilly, which has announced plans to build a new production facility in Alzey, creating 1,000 high-quality jobs and significantly contributing to the city's tax revenues.
  5. ELLI Lilly's decision to establish its German headquarters in Alzey is a testament to the infrastructure and research environment in Rhineland-Palatinate, providing an opportunity for the future as a competitive business location in the field of biotechnology.
  6. In addition to biotechnology, education and climate change will also be key issues for the future, with Dreyer emphasizing the need for sustainable jobs and continued investment in renewable energies.
  7. The Minister President also highlighted the importance of reorganizing civil protection and expanding renewable energies as part of the state's response to climate change, as Rhineland-Palatinate has already surpassed its targets in photovoltaics and aims to achieve the same with wind energy.
  8. Another important topic for 2024 will be medical and nursing care, with a focus on the training and expansion of specialized caregivers, as well as the introduction of new programs like a Bachelor's degree in Physician Assistant at the Zweibrücken site in Kaiserslautern.
  9. In light of the upcoming local and European elections in June, Dreyer expressed her commitment to strengthening democracy in Rhineland-Palatinate and advocating for personal engagement with citizens through town hall meetings and direct dialog to ensure a healthy and thriving democracy for future generations.




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