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Dresden Christmas circus threatened with eviction due to flooding

The Dresden Christmas Circus, which has special permission to perform in the inlet area of the flood channel, is threatened with eviction. The company has so far disregarded the requirement to clear the stand area in the event of flooding from a water level of 5.90 meters above the Elbe, as the...

The Elbe floods in the flood channel between the Dresden districts of Kaditz and Mickten.
The Elbe floods in the flood channel between the Dresden districts of Kaditz and Mickten.

Flood situation - Dresden Christmas circus threatened with eviction due to flooding

The Dresden Christmas Circus, which has special permission to perform in the inlet area of the flood channel, is threatened with eviction. The company has so far disregarded the requirement to clear the stand area in the event of flooding from a water level of 5.90 meters above the Elbe, as the city announced on Thursday at a water level of just under six meters. According to its own flood action plan, the circus wanted to clear the site completely in an emergency from five meters, which was reached long ago on Monday morning. So far, despite repeated requests, only the animals have been housed elsewhere and therefore the removal of the tents and structures has now been ordered until the evening.

"Flood protection is not a private matter and cannot be dependent on individual personal assessments of the situation," criticized the administration. The site is located at the entrance to the flood channel, which is a substitute area to protect inhabited areas in the event of flooding. Floating debris and strong currents also pose an incalculable risk to the tents, the city argued and warned. "With its current actions, the Christmas circus is not only jeopardizing flood protection, but also its future presence at this location." Other companies had also suffered economic losses due to the floods, such as a beer garden, but had implemented their requirements "according to plan". Economic pressure is understandable, but "the danger remains".

Read also:

  1. Despite the Flood situation in Saxony, some municipalities are still encouraging leisure activities, such as visiting the annual Christmas market in Dresden.
  2. Due to the special permit granted for performing at the flood channel inlet, the Dresden Christmas Circus is exempt from certain flood protection measures, which have now been enforced.
  3. The city administration issued a clearance order for the Dresden Christmas Circus, citing the Flood protection risks posed by their failure to adhere to the flood action plan, especially in light of previous flood situations.
  4. In the face of the challenging weather conditions and the Flood risk, businesses like a beer garden in Saxony have implemented their flood protection plans effectively, minimizing losses.
  5. Although economic pressure might push companies to disregard flood protection regulations, the potential hazards and the risk of future flooding events should never be underestimated.


