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Dregger calls for tough police action on New Year's Eve

CDU interior expert Dregger calls for consistent action in the event of riots on New Year's Eve. In his view, the possibility of preventive custody must be used.

Burkard Dregger, domestic policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group in the Berlin House
Burkard Dregger, domestic policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group in the Berlin House of Representatives.

Berlin - Dregger calls for tough police action on New Year's Eve

CDU interior expert Burkard Dregger calls for decisive action against crimes committed on New Year's Eve. After the riots on New Year's Eve a year ago and in view of the "emotionalization on Berlin's streets" following the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October, a change of course is needed in the enforcement of security, law and order on Berlin's streets, Dregger told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

Dregger relies on preventive detention

"Anyone who publicly announces or calls for attacks on the police, emergency services, bystanders or other people's property on New Year's Eve, as was the case last year, must be taken into preventive custody for the duration of New Year's Eve," demanded the CDU parliamentary group's spokesman on domestic policy. The same applies to those who are found with weapons, tools or other objects that are clearly intended to attack the police, emergency services, bystanders or other people's property on New Year's Eve.

Dregger also considers preventive detention for the duration of New Year's Eve to be sensible for those who have already attracted attention on several occasions in the past for similar reasons in attacks on the police, emergency services, bystanders or other people's property - "if the circumstances indicate that there is an overwhelming probability that this type of behavior will be repeated," said the CDU politician.

Police should also use water cannons if necessary

"Should pyro excesses, attacks and endangerment of emergency services, bystanders or property occur, water cannons, batons and irritant gas should be used in accordance with the tactical deployment principles of the Berlin police to ward off the dangers and prevent further attacks," said Dregger. "All existing bodycams and dashcams are to be used by the police and fire department on New Year's Eve to ward off dangers and - if this is not possible - to document acts in an evidence-proof manner."

Berliners are asked to make image and video recordings of crimes available on the Berlin police's online portal from January 1. "All criminals are to be arrested by evidence and arrest squads and charged immediately."

The CDU and SPD had granted the Berlin police and the Berlin fire department a number of new legal powers of intervention with their recently passed amendment to police law - for example for the use of bodycams and tasers. "I expect the Berlin police to use these tools consistently in order to fend off renewed riots and attacks on bystanders and emergency services and damage to property," said the CDU politician.

Read also:

  1. The CDU parliamentary group's spokesman on domestic policy, Burkard Dregger, advocates for the use of preventive detention for individuals who publicly incite attacks on police, emergency services, or property during New Year's Eve, citing past incidents as reason.
  2. The German Press Agency reported on Wednesday that Dregger also supports the application of preventive detention for individuals with a history of attacks on the police, emergency services, or property if there is a high likelihood of recurrence.
  3. Dregger's calls for decisive action against crimes on New Year's Eve come in response to the riots last year and the emotionalization of Berlin's streets following the Hamas attack on Israel, according to the German Press Agency.
  4. The internal security of Berlin during New Year's Eve is of great concern for Dregger, who believes that water cannons, batons, and irritant gas should be used to deter attacks and protect emergency services.
  5. Due to the high possibility of crimes on New Year's Eve, Dregger encourages Berliners to make image and video recordings of crimes available on the Berlin police's online portal starting January 1 for evidence, in addition to the use of bodycams and dashcams by the police and fire department.
  6. The Berlin police and fire department were granted new legal powers of intervention by the CDU and SPD with their recently passed amendment to police law, including the use of bodycams and tasers, which Dregger expects to be utilized for the prevention of renewed riots and attacks.
  7. The German Press Agency, citing Dregger, stated that preventive detention and the use of police tools are essential to maintain internal security during the turn of the year in light of past incidences and events, such as the Hamas attack on Israel.


