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Dregger: Ban on firecrackers in Berlin not expedient

Following renewed dangerous scenes on New Year's Eve in Berlin, the CDU in the capital is sticking to its rejection of a ban on fireworks there. "The demand for a ban on firecrackers in Berlin is not effective on its own," said Burkard Dregger, the CDU parliamentary group's spokesman on...

CDU Member of Parliament - Dregger: Ban on firecrackers in Berlin not expedient

Following renewed dangerous scenes on New Year's Eve in Berlin, the CDU in the capital is sticking to its rejection of a ban on fireworks there. "The demand for a ban on firecrackers in Berlin is not effective on its own," said Burkard Dregger, the CDU parliamentary group's spokesman on domestic affairs in the House of Representatives on RBB-Inforadio on Tuesday morning. Such a ban would also have to be enforced and at least also apply in the neighboring federal state of Brandenburg. It would also require border controls at the Polish border to prevent fireworks being illegally brought into Germany from there. "This is not a trifle," emphasized Dregger.

Rather, a different attitude towards the state is needed. "It is really necessary that the appreciation of this state increases again," said the MP.

The district mayor of Neukölln, Martin Hikel, spoke out in favor of better prospects and more social support for young people. He also said on RBB-Inforadio that a ban on firecrackers could also be discussed, but that this discussion should be held nationwide. "But you also have to make it clear that if you do something like this, you have to offer people alternatives." Hikel suggested local fireworks organized by the districts, for example, "to turn it into a family festival. That would be appropriate".

After the riots on New Year's Eve last year, the police had significantly increased the number of officers for this New Year. In some places, there were once again riots with illegal fireworks and alarm guns. Dozens of police officers were injured, most of them slightly. However, compared to the previous year, the situation remained much calmer.

Read also:

  1. Dregger, a CDU Member of Parliament in the House of Representatives, believes that a firecracker ban in Berlin alone is not sufficient and would require border controls in Brandenburg and Germany's Polish border to be effective.
  2. Following the renewed incidents of criminality on New Year's Eve in Berlin, the CDU in the capital remains firm in its rejection of a fireworks ban.
  3. Hikel, the district mayor of Neukölln, advocates for a nationwide discussion on a firecracker ban, suggesting that if such a measure is implemented, alternatives for the public should also be provided.
  4. Amidst renewed riots on New Year's Eve, with illegal fireworks and alarm guns causing injuries to numerous police officers, the police had significantly increased their presence and managed to keep the situation more stable compared to the previous year.
  5. In contrast to Dregger's views, Hikel supports the concept of a firecracker ban, proposing local fireworks organized by districts as a solution to turn the event into a family festival.
  6. The CDU parliamentary group's spokesman on domestic affairs in the House of Representatives, Dregger, emphasized that a firecracker ban would not be a trivial matter and would require a shift in the appreciation and understanding of the state.
  7. While CDU member Dregger rejects the idea of a fireworks ban in Berlin, other political figures like Neukölln's district mayor, Martin Hikel, are open to discussing the possibility of such a ban, which creates a dynamic dialogue within German politics regarding the management of New Year's Eve celebrations and associated criminality.




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