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Dozens of operations due to storm "Zoltan" - railroad cancellations

Shortly before Christmas, a storm sweeps across Germany, paralyzing travel in parts. On Thursday evening, at times there were no trains running from Berlin to the west on long-distance rail services.

The fire department had to be called out dozens of times due to storm "Zoltan".
The fire department had to be called out dozens of times due to storm "Zoltan".

Storm - Dozens of operations due to storm "Zoltan" - railroad cancellations

Storm "Zoltan" hit the plans of many travelers from Berlin and Brandenburg just a few days before Christmas. On Thursday, numerous long-distance trains were canceled, especially those heading west, as can be seen on the Deutsche Bahn website. The fire department had to respond to many incidents due to the storm, especially in southern Brandenburg. According to a fire department spokesperson, one person was injured by a fallen tree in Berlin-Spandau.

Rescue services were also called out dozens of times in the north and west of Brandenburg, according to the relevant fire departments. In Kleinmachnow (Potsdam-Mittelmark district), a large Christmas tree and fairy lights toppled over on the town hall square in the afternoon, according to the municipality. It landed on a van parked there. There were reportedly no injuries. The fire department removed the tree. The "Märkische Allgemeine" had previously reported.

According to a Deutsche Bahn spokesperson, the storm itself did not cause any problems in Berlin and Brandenburg. The disruptions to long-distance services were due to storm damage elsewhere, he said at around 18:00. According to online information, most regional trains in Berlin and Brandenburg ran as planned.

According to Deutsche Bahn, there were also restrictions due to storm damage, particularly in northern Germany. DB has canceled the train service for Thursday due to the numerous disruptions. Passengers can use their ticket on a later day. However, DB also pointed out that long-distance trains are already very busy due to the upcoming Christmas holidays.

According to the German Weather Service, a "persistent storm situation" is expected in Berlin and Brandenburg on Friday night. "On Friday, fresh, sometimes strong westerly to north-westerly winds with stormy gusts and squalls, occasionally heavy squalls. In the afternoon and in the evening, the wind will decrease hesitantly," it said online. In the south of Brandenburg, isolated thunderstorms have also been reported for Thursday evening.

DWD information on Berlin and Brandenburg

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