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Dozens of homeowners take advantage of the state's advisory bonus

Older people often find their own homes too big - young people are desperately looking for living space. To help both parties, the state government supports consultations with architects.

The state government supports homeowners who want to bring tenants into their own four walls.
The state government supports homeowners who want to bring tenants into their own four walls.

Housing policy - Dozens of homeowners take advantage of the state's advisory bonus

Creating living spaces, detached houses splitting or renovating - since April 2023, the Land Baden-Württemberg offers a premium for consultations by architects in this regard: 37 such consultations have taken place by mid-June, according to the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing. Thirty-two of these have already been invoiced, while five applications are still being processed. The Land pays 400 Euro per application. Nine cities and municipalities currently offer this opportunity, including Konstanz, Ludwigsburg, Bad Mergentheim (Main-Tauber-Kreis), and Berkheim (Kreis Biberach). Each municipality decides for itself whether to offer this.

The Ministry is not "displeased" with the relatively small numbers, as a spokesperson stated. Based on experience, such an offer takes time to gain traction.

A model for the consulting premium is the "Aus Alt mach 2 und mehr" project of the communities Bodnegg, Schlier, Waldburg, and Grünkraut (Landkreis Ravensburg), as stated in a communication on the start of the statewide offer. This concerns the renovation and expansion of detached houses to create barrier-free living spaces for older people and housing for young families. Of the 77 interested parties for a consultation in the project communities, 16 houses were identified at the end that were to be renovated or soon planned for renovation. In 14 cases, it was stated then that a renovation would be postponed for various reasons.

The Ministry spokesperson could not initially say how many renovations have resulted from the 37 statewide consultations. He referred to the municipalities and emphasized that it was also still a relatively short period for the offer. The spokesperson emphasized that the goal was not to solve the housing market problems with such a small offer. However, "it should be an impetus and an incentive."

  1. In addition to Konstanz and Ludwigsburg, Bad Mergentheim in the Main-Tauber district and Berkheim in the Kreis Biberbach are among the nine cities and municipalities in Baden-Württemberg offering premiums for architectural consultations for detached house renovations or splittings.
  2. The premium for consultations in Stuttgart, as in other participating cities, is 400 Euro per application, which has led to 37 consultations by mid-June, according to the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing.
  3. The "Aus Alt mach 2 und mehr" project in Bodnegg, Schlier, Waldburg, and Grünkraut in the Landkreis Ravensburg serves as a model for the statewide consulting premium, aiming to create barrier-free living spaces for older people and housing for young families through renovations and expansions of detached houses.
  4. After identifying 16 houses for renovation or soon-to-be renovation from the 77 interested parties in the project communities, only 14 actual renovations were carried out, while in 14 other cases, it was decided to postpone renovations for various reasons.
  5. While the impact of the statewide consultations on housing policy in Germany is yet to be measured, the Ministry for Regional Development and Housing emphasizes that the goal is not to solve the housing market problems but rather to provide an incentive to foster sustainable housing solutions, such as renovating or splitting detached houses.

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