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Don't Miss the KonMari Technique for Streamlining Your Wardrobe

Despite clearing out clutter, organization remains essential.

The KonMari Method You’re Overlooking in Organizing Your Clothes
The KonMari Method You’re Overlooking in Organizing Your Clothes

Don't Miss the KonMari Technique for Streamlining Your Wardrobe

Decluttering your home can be done in various ways, but all of them require you to organize the items you choose to keep after the process is completed. One of the most well-known decluttering methods is KonMari, created by Marie Kondo. While this method is popular for its structured approach to reducing the amount of stuff you own, it also has a unique clothing organization tip that's often overlooked.

What is file folding?

File folding is a technique suggested by Kondo in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It's commonly known as "file folding" because it involves folding your clothes in a way that makes them stand up vertically in your drawers. This method has been around for a while and can be applied to different types of clothing in different ways. The goal is to fold each item neatly so it appears as a triangle or rectangle.

Here's how Kondo recommends folding a few types of clothing:

  1. T-shirts: Fold the sleeves first, then fold the shirt in half vertically. Then fold the bottom of the shirt to the upper part.
  2. Pants: Fold the pants in half vertically and then in half again horizontally. This will create a square shape.
  3. Sweaters: Fold the sleeves first, then fold the sweater in half vertically. Next, fold it in half horizontally.
  4. Jeans: Fold the pants in half vertically and then in half again horizontally. Fold them in half once more.

Why file folding is useful

There are several advantages to using file folding:

  1. Reduced wrinkles: By storing clothes vertically and with chunkier folds, you can reduce the number of wrinkles in your clothes. This is because there are no items weighing down on the ones below.
  2. Better overview: This method allows you to see all your clothes easily, making you more aware of what you own and preventing you from buying duplicates or wasting space on items you never wear.
  3. Increased storage: You can store more clothes when you fold them neatly into small triangles or rectangles. While this doesn't necessarily help reduce the amount of stuff you have, it does make your drawers more organized and prevent clutter.

You can make file folding even easier by using flat baskets, like this set of four for $15.99, to keep each type of clothing separate while maintaining structure. This is especially helpful when items are removed from the drawers.

Read also:

In your home, learning how to file fold your clothes according to the KonMari technique can help reduce wrinkles and increase storage space in your drawers. For instance, to file fold a t-shirt, start by folding the sleeves first, then fold the shirt in half vertically, and finally fold the bottom to the upper part.

If you're looking for a new way to organize your home, you might consider implementing the file folding method in your wardrobe, particularly in your home drawers.

