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A letter carrier distributes letters.
A letter carrier distributes letters.

Animals - Dog bites letter carrier in the butt

You are probably the nightmare of all mail carriers: snarling dogs. A letter carrier in Bremerhaven experienced this very fear. While distributing mail, suddenly a shepherd dog rushed at the 49-year-old man and bit him, according to the police statement on Friday. The bite wound required medical attention. The dog had run away from its owner's property through an open garden gate on Thursday afternoon before the incident. An investigation is being conducted against the woman for negligent bodily harm.

Police press release

The incident in Bremerhaven was a could-have-been crime scene, as the letter carrier was viciously attacked by a stray dog. Dogs, often considered man's best friend, can become a source of emergencies under certain circumstances. The negligent owner of the dog will likely face serious consequences, as per the ongoing police investigation in Bremen. Despite the nightmarish experience, the unnamed mail carrier is recuperating, hopefully with a newfound appreciation for the quieter corners of Bremerhaven.

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