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documenta: Accusation of anti-Semitism against Ranjit Hoskoté

Following the anti-Semitism scandal surrounding documenta 15 last year, new accusations are being made against a member of the selection committee for the management of the upcoming show.

Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth speaks at a press
Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth speaks at a press

documenta: Accusation of anti-Semitism against Ranjit Hoskoté

Renewed criticism of the documenta in Kassel: Indian writer Ranjit Hoskoté is accused of signing a petition entitled "BDS India" in 2019. Hoskoté is a member of the selection committee for the artistic direction of the upcoming edition of the world art exhibition. BDS stands for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions". The campaign calls for a boycott of the state of Israel and Israeli products because of its actions against Palestinians. Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth (Greens) threatened the documenta with financial consequences.

"I am deeply affected by the indirect accusation that I am 'anti-Semitic'," Hoskoté told the German Press Agency on Friday. The "Süddeutsche Zeitung" had reported first.

By signing the declaration, he had "particularly opposed Hindutva extremism, which is avowedly inspired by Nazism and fascism". He had dedicated his life to rejecting authoritarian ideologies. "Meanwhile, I have spoken out publicly and clearly against any cultural boycott of Israel. I reject the goals of the BDS movement and do not support them," said Hoskoté. Especially after October 7, 2023, the Hamas terror in Israel and its consequences, his thoughts are with both the Jewish and Palestinian people, with the suffering civilian population in Israel and Palestine.

The declaration signed by Hoskoté is "clearly anti-Semitic and bristles with anti-Israel conspiracy theories", announced Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth (Greens) on Friday. She threatened the documenta with financial consequences. "There will only be a financial contribution from the federal government for the next documenta if there is a joint plan and visible reform steps towards clear responsibilities, a real opportunity for the federal government to participate and standards to prevent anti-Semitism and discrimination. I do not yet see a basis for this." A credible new start is needed at documenta.

The managing director of documenta gGmbh, Andreas Hoffmann, called the signing of the declaration "not even remotely acceptable" due to its "explicitly anti-Semitic content". The documenta was not aware of Hoskoté's signature until Thursday. "Nor were we aware of the statement itself." Hoffmann emphasized: "Dealing with the anti-Semitic misconduct at documenta 15 is a very serious matter for us."

documenta fifteen had already been overshadowed by an anti-Semitism scandal. Alongside the Venice Biennale, the show is considered the most important exhibition of contemporary art. Hoskoté was selected for the selection committee in March alongside five other members of former artistic documenta directors. The group is to propose a curator or collective for the next edition of documenta in 2027 by the end of 2023 or early 2024. The 16th edition of documenta is scheduled to take place in Kassel from June 12 to September 19, 2027.

  1. Despite the controversy surrounding his signing of the "BDS India" petition, Ranjit Hoskoté has a strong history of advocating against authoritarian ideologies, particularly those inspired by Nazism and fascism, such as Hindutva extremism, in his artistic and cultural pursuits.
  2. The ongoing accusations of anti-Semitism against Ranjit Hoskoté and the controversy surrounding the "BDS India" petition have prompted a need for a reassessment of cultural policy and the role of documenta in promoting inclusivity and preventing discrimination, ensuring that future exhibitions are free from such controversies.




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