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Doctor not caught after failed trial

It was supposed to be one of the biggest German trials on manipulated coronavirus vaccinations. But the defendant simply didn't show up. Investigators have now been searching for the family doctor for six months.

Judge Martina Neuhierl (l) opens the trial against a family doctor for vaccine manipulation.
Judge Martina Neuhierl (l) opens the trial against a family doctor for vaccine manipulation.

Vaccine manipulation - Doctor not caught after failed trial

Around six months after a family doctor accused of numerous false vaccinations went into hiding, there is still no trace of the man. The arrest warrant against the 74-year-old is still in force, said a spokesman for the Augsburg district court. However, there is no further information on the whereabouts of the doctor.

A major trial for hundreds of allegedly manipulated coronavirus vaccinations was due to begin at the regional court in June. The criminal division had planned two dozen trial days until November. However, when the presiding judge opened the trial, the doctor was missing from the dock.

The man had absconded - his defense lawyer also had no explanation for his disappearance. The chamber immediately issued an arrest warrant for the man, but the police were unable to find the accused anywhere for a short time. Since then, the search for the doctor has continued. It is therefore still completely unclear whether the aborted trial can be held at a later date.

Sham vaccinations and preventive vaccinations

The doctor is alleged to have given sham vaccinations to 176 patients at his practice in Wemding, Swabia, north of Donauwörth, in 2021. The man is said to have disposed of the vaccine and only inserted empty syringes into the buttocks of those actually willing to be vaccinated, usually without them noticing. The public prosecutor's office assumes that 314 first and second vaccinations were manipulated.

In addition, the general practitioner is said to have been known as a point of contact for citizens who were critical of vaccinations - for certificates without a real vaccination. According to the indictment, he is said to have certified such non-vaccinations in at least 49 cases. This is said to have been known in the scene as "sparing vaccination".

Criminal proceedings also against many patients

According to the investigations, there were in fact an even larger number of patients who deliberately took advantage of this sham vaccination. In parallel to the proceedings against the GP, numerous criminal investigations were also being conducted against patients. These patients then had to answer to the local court in Nördlingen.

According to earlier information from the court there, around 80 cases involving around 100 defendants were heard before the main proceedings at Augsburg District Court. As a rule, the trials ended with fines for the patients. There were only a few acquittals, explained a court spokeswoman.

After the allegations came to light, the family doctor was provisionally banned from practising his profession. In the trial that may still take place at the regional court, it will also be examined whether the professional ban should be made permanent. The 74-year-old is charged with intentional bodily harm, fraud and knowingly incorrect documentation of vaccinations against the coronavirus.

Statement from the Nuremberg Public Prosecutor General's Office on the indictment

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