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Ditib remains partner in religious education after declaration

Cooperation with Islamic associations in religious education has always been a sensitive area. How faithful are the partners to the German constitution and raison d'état? The Ditib left doubts unanswered.

A teacher writes a religious education timetable on a blackboard with chalk.
A teacher writes a religious education timetable on a blackboard with chalk.

Education - Ditib remains partner in religious education after declaration

An amended declaration by the Islamic religious community Ditib on Israel's right to exist secures its continued cooperation with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in religious education. In an additional declaration, the state association distanced itself "unreservedly from any form of denigration of Judaism and the Jewish faith", the Düsseldorf State Chancellery announced on Friday.

"The declaration of the state association Ditib NRW and the explicit commitment to Israel's right to exist create the necessary basis for further cooperation in Islamic religious education," clarified State Chancellery Head Nathanael Liminski (CDU). Education Minister Dorothee Feller (CDU) sees the lessons as a valuable contribution to integration. It is important that organizations with which the state cooperates in Islamic religious education stand firmly on the ground of the Basic Law and the state constitution and are committed to Israel's right to exist. "There is no place for anti-Semitism in our schools."

Following the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the state government issued a joint declaration with Islamic organizations in October stating that "the atrocities committed by Hamas against the Israeli population are to be condemned without reservation". Hamas' call to attack Jewish institutions worldwide was also outlawed. Following statements to the contrary by dignitaries and officials from Turkey, a clear distancing was demanded from the Ditib regional association.

In the additional declaration, Ditib NRW now reaffirms its unrestricted respect for the inviolability of human dignity, the establishment of fundamental rights, tolerance towards other cultures, religions and world views as well as the prohibition of any form of discrimination, according to the statement from the State Chancellery. "The state association is committed to the school as a place of openness and tolerance towards different religious, ideological and political beliefs and values in the sense of the education and upbringing mandate under school law."

The state works together with a commission for Islamic religious education. Islamic organizations that can join the commission after an extensive examination conclude a contract with the state. Among other things, they declare that they are independent of the state and that they will respect the constitutional principles and fundamental rights of pupils. The commission also issues the teaching permit.

In NRW, Islamic religious education is taught in German by teachers trained in Germany on the basis of state curricula. It is subject to state school supervision. According to the state chancellery, 26,000 pupils took part in Islamic religious education at 234 schools in the 2022/23 school year. 263 teachers were qualified to teach the subject.

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